All prices on the B2C website ( are displayed normally italian 22% VAT included.
Individuals resident in United Kingdom are required to pay UK VAT at 20% and therefore will note the price reduction in a Cart. UK VAT will not be claimed anymore on the delivery. Your VAT amount will be remitted on the end of the quarter by LOGICA GIOCHI SRL UK VAT number: GB 333 3387 11
Individuals resident in United States or other non-EU country will see the prices VAT Excluded immediately on the first access. Therefore no other taxes will be claimed to pay on our website. Despite this you may be required to pay some local State Tax on the importation to your country.
If the order is shipped to any other EU-country, your final price will be calculated according to your country's VAT percentage and you will note some small difference from the beginning price in the Cart, during the payment process.
This website sell goods according to the OSS VAT rules, starting from 1 July 2021: the rules applied to the Cross-border VAT e-commerce, according to the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/942, laying down rules for the application of Council Directive 2006/112/EC as regards the establishment of the list of third countries with which the Union has concluded an agreement on mutual assistance similar in scope to Council Directive 2010/24/EU and Council Regulation (EU) No 904/2010).

Prices are subject to change without prior notification.
Orders are shipped with a Packing Slip that can help you remember what, when, where and at what price you purchased


The Invoice can be downloaded in your Customer's Area, in the Order menu. If you download the document other than the Invoice (IT, USA...) you can request the Tax Invoice by e-mail Shipments outside the European Union are accompanied by a printed Invoice attached to the package.

European business customers (not Italy) can request to be exempted from Italian VAT and then receive the VAT refund of the taxes paid in the order, providing their intra-community VAT number and the full name of the company

ATTENTION: the European VAT number must be registered on the European books of buyers IntraCEE-VIES! If the company is incorporated outside of EU, just company data will be enough.

Check your VAT and read more about VIES