We don't know the exact moment. The first safe of which we have historical information, however, dates back to Ancient Egypt, precisely to the 13th century BC. And guess what, it was made from wood. Surely arriving at the exact burial place of the Pharaoh was not an easy thing. Pitfalls and traps to overcome without losing body parts or staying dry. For Ramesses II, all this was not enough. He encased his most precious treasures in a wooden safe with a lock similar to that of pin locks. A very ambitious mechanism for three thousand years ago! A further step was taken by the merchants of Ancient Rome, who invented a locking system with fixed flaps to prevent the goods from being stolen. Over time they also began to use flaps of different sizes, so that each safe needed a different key to open. During the Renaissance, a period in which sculpture and architecture flourished like never before, safes became not only more elaborate and safer, but also beautiful to look at. In the

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