You got it right ... today we talk about the Rubik's cube, originally known as the magic cube.

The puzzle was patented by Erno Rubik, a Hungarian designer and architect with a passion for enigma. The first curious fact, however, is that the inventor himself took more than a month to find the solution for its creation. Just think that when the cube was born, Erno didn't even know if there would ever be a solution!

There are several ways, however, to approach the solution of the puzzle. The most intuitive is the layered method: 7 steps to perform and a few algorithms to memorize. The method most used by professional speedcubers, on the other hand, is the Fridrich method, which allows you to solve the cube much faster, grouping second-third, fourth-fifth, sixth-seventh steps of the layered method in single steps.

The Rubik's Cube began to be marketed by Idela Toy Corp in 1980, winning the award for the best game and brain teaser of the year.
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