The new secret box of our Leonardo Collection is inspired by the famous Medici family, central to the Florence of the Renaissance period.
In fact, on our puzzle appear elegant and refined inlays that could have to do with that historical and artistic period.

Florence, in honor of the Medici, has strewn its streets with the family crest: a shield with red balls on a golden field.
The curiosity lies in the fact that the shields are not exactly equal to each other ... the number of balls, in bisanti heraldry, can vary.

If at first, in fact, the spheres in the coat of arms were equal to eleven, Giovanni di Bicci brought it to nine, his son Cosimo to eight, and the latter's son, Piero il Gottoso, came to reduce it to seven. The last decrease occurred with Lorenzo the Magnificent, who brought the spheres to 6, with the top one loaded with the insignia of the Royals of France.

As to why, then, there are balls in the center of the Medici coat of arms, suppositions

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