Monthly Archives: November 2020

  1. Dovetail Box arrived

    Scrigno segreto

    Abbiamo appena ricevuto la nuova scatola-rompicapo a Coda di Rondine, confezionata all'interno della scatolina della Serie Leonardo Da Vinci. / We have just receved a new style Leonardo da Vinci box with Dovetail secret lock

    Trova il modo di aprirla e di nasconderci dentro oggetti preziosi! / Check it out to know how to open and hide precious gift!

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    Locandina Fiera di Lucca 2019

    FAIR OF LUCCA COMIC & GAMES 2019... 53ESIMA EDITION! A special edition not to be missed with many guests from the world of entertainment, cinema, music, comics and games. This year’s theme is "Becoming Human".
    Lucca Comics & Games has grown to become an international flagship event of pop culture. In these five days in Lucca takes place a unique magic: the squares, the streets, the buildings are animated by thousands of people different in age, origin, culture, all in common
    by the same passions. Lucca itself, with its historical-artistic treasures, becomes the protagonist: its monuments are celebrated in the poster of the festival and its artistic riches are scenarios of fantastic stories.

    Among the most prominent guests were:

    • Patrick Stewart, british star of the new Stark Trek series
    • Luca Carboni, the famous singer
    • Cristina D
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